Our goal is to help women learn to create a successful, safe and drama free household so they can become the thriving women and amazing mothers they are destined to become. Our program provides tools, training and the household structure needed to rebuild their lives and create a loving home. We provide education and instructions for health, fitness and the emotional and spiritual well being, and much more...
You can make a difference!
We provide group housing for these women and you can make a difference in their lives by providing monthly financial support, sponsorship or a one time donation. These homes are always in need of gift cards for food, toiletries, and cleaning supplies. These items are essential to maintaining a successful and happy home life for the women and their children. Please give generously.
Click "Donate:" above to give now or learn more. Thank you, our prayers have been answered
Click "Donate:" above to give now or learn more. Thank you, our prayers have been answered
The Harvest House Culture is
1) Love and respect everyone in the house
2) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
The Harvest House is a nonprofit organization located in Solano County. We offer community housing for homeless women, and are conveniently located in a residential neighborhoods near the bus stops, multiple restaurants, and shopping areas. Please feel free to take a tour through our website, and please send an email with any questions you may have about our services or how you can support our mission. May God Bless You, HarvestResidence@yahoo.com
2) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
The Harvest House is a nonprofit organization located in Solano County. We offer community housing for homeless women, and are conveniently located in a residential neighborhoods near the bus stops, multiple restaurants, and shopping areas. Please feel free to take a tour through our website, and please send an email with any questions you may have about our services or how you can support our mission. May God Bless You, HarvestResidence@yahoo.com