- Self-Esteem Enhancement
- Spiritual Development
- Life Skills Training
- Social Skills Training
- Money Management
- Leadership Training
- Information & Referral to Churches and Community Services
- Learn how to build self esteem & develop their spiritual identity
- Learn to set personal goals, as well as career and/or academic development
- Learn how to develop healthy relationships & support systems
- Develop or enhance hobbies, & talents
- Participate in life skills training (communication, problem solving, stress & time management, nutrition, health management)
- Participates in alcohol and drug prevention classes as well as recovery programs
- Pursue active employment, career training, or volunteerism
- Learn budgeting as well as money management skills
- Learn leadership skills for use in the family and community
Participants who come to the Harvest House must want to make positive changes in their lives, which will enable them to move from homelessness to self-sufficiency.
Women eligible for participation at the Harvest House are:
Women eligible for participation at the Harvest House are:
- Homeless women ages of 21 and up
- Receiving public assistance or have a limited income
- Not actively abusing alcohol or drugs
- Able to function independently
- Able and willing to participate in, group meetings, education, job training and employment
- Committed to participating in a structured Personal Development Program.